4 Amazing Motivational Blogs to Inspire You
If you want to feel more motivated and inspired, sit down and read a few of these amazing blogs.
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Motivation is a strong, yet a very delicate feeling that’s brilliant at playing its games with us. On some days, it’ll show up like an energetic and enthusiastic friend and pump you up with all the excitement for the slightest of things.
At other times, you’ll find yourself in a well of laziness that echoes procrastination and delaying tactics. And no matter how hard you try, getting out of this trap is absolutely unworkable.
But if you want to gain success in life, times like this shouldn’t weigh you down. A good way of getting rid of feelings of demotivation and procrastination is to read motivational blogs that can inspire you.
Here are a few motivational blogs that can help you ditch any demoralizing feelings that come your way.
1. Dumb Little Man – Tips for Life
Dumb Little Man is a truly inspiring and motivational blog for anyone who’s feeling lazy, dejected, disconnected, or depressed.
It offers great content for its audience that can be super helpful for entrepreneurs, freelancers, students, or any individual who’s looking for inspiration in general.
It has seven different categories, each created with the sole objective of helping readers find a solution to their problems.
In each of these categories, they publish content related to relationships, lifehacks, happiness, success, money, and health. They also have a section that offers how-to content.
2. Lifehack – The University of Life
Lifehack is a powerful blog that’ll help you learn practical life skills to achieve the quality life that you deserve. This blog offers all sorts of content to help you stay happy and find purpose in life.
Here you can read about health, lifestyle, parenting, productivity, psychology, relationships, communication, technology, work, growth hacks, and a lot more.
Basically, this blog can be your go-to platform for finding a solution to any problem that’s coming your way.
It also offers various life skill courses and free classes that you can benefit from. If you don’t like reading blog posts, you can watch their lifehack shows that are super engaging to watch.
3. Addicted 2 Success
Just like the name suggests, Addicted 2 Success is another amazing blog that can inspire you to achieve success and happiness in life.
It publishes the different types of content in the form of written blogs, videos, and podcasts that you’ll find very interesting to read, watch and listen to.
You’ll also find some fantastic collection of quotes that can act as an eye-opener and show you the true meaning of life.
Whether it’s about making your presence felt in general life, improving your skills to become a good entrepreneur and leader, or finding inner peace, this blog can be the best platform for anyone to boost their morale.
4. Alden Tan.com – Only Real Sh*t
Alden Tan.com’s uses a strong tagline – Only Real Sh*t, to describe what his blog is about. The main motive of this blog is to help people help themselves.
Alden Tan is a young blogger from Singapore whose father died of the rare ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) disease when he was still a kid. It’s the same disease that killed Stephen Hawkings.
According to him, he has learned many life lessons since then. So he started this blog to help people like him, to master different skills to make their social and personal lives successful.
The best thing about this blog is the interactive and engaging way in which he writes each of his posts. This blog truly has the power to make you feel different about yourself on a personal and a social level.
It also offers you a course on how to gain happiness in just 100 days and a free guide on things that shouldn’t bother happy people.
Not every day is a happy and inspiring day. But even the worst of days can feel meaningful if you have a purpose in life that inspires you to keep going. The blogs mentioned above can help you know what you want and teach you how to achieve them.
4 Amazing Motivational Blogs to Inspire You
4 Amazing Motivational Blogs to Inspire You If you want to feel more motivated and inspired, sit down and read a few of these amazing
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